Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Solemnity of the Most Holy Mother of God - Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, today I invite you again to conversion.
The new year begins and with it my maternal concern also begins and increases. Humanity is heading toward its destruction. More and more people last year have turned away from God and hardened their hearts. There is hardly anyone more worthy of the mercy of the Most High.
I come to ask you for more prayer, more penance, because otherwise this world will be condemned forever. You are my last hope, the last hope of the earth. That is why I ask you, little children: Help me, help me to convert this world full of sin, which rebels more and more against its Creator every day.
I come as Queen and Messenger of Peace to give Peace to the world, but I cannot make Peace triumph in a world of sin that destroys everything God has created with harmony and order. So I say to you: Convert, because time is short!
Only prayer can bring you to conversion. And only through conversion can man come to sanctification and salvation. Therefore little children: Pray, pray and pray! I will never tire of repeating this to you until you are convinced that without prayer there is no remedy for your ills. Without prayer there is no remedy for your sufferings, for the sufferings of the world and for the disorders of humanity. Pray, pray, in prayer your salvation begins.
Do not always listen to My Messages without putting them into practice, for I say to you: God will ask you to give an account of what I ask of each of My Messages. And if you do not put them into practice, little children, you will be accused in Divine justice.
Be converted! Pray My Rosary! With the Rosary you will achieve many miracles from the Lord. You lack faith in the efficacy of the Rosary, believe in it and then you will see My Miracles. Jesus will experience your faith in the Rosary, if he sees you praying without faith, he will do nothing. But if he sees faith in your heart, like that of the centurion he will do wonders and more wonders in your life. With the Rosary you will save Brazil, with the Rosary you will save the world from all the evils that Satan has introduced into it.
I will continue with you during this year. Worry about my motherly concerns, pray for my plans, relieve my great suffering by praying a lot and announcing my messages of love to all my children.
Immerse yourself in deep prayer, do not be content with superficial prayer. I don't like people who pray superficially, I like people who enter into the depths of the Rosary prayer and truly meet with Me, be it in the Rosary, be it in Singing or in Meditation. I want truly mature and adult souls in the prayer of the heart.
Pray with the heart, learn the perfect way to pray, because if you don't learn this basic lesson you will hardly learn the other things in the process of sanctification.
Pray, pray, pray! I love you very much little children and I never abandon you, only sin can separate you from Me. Do not sin anymore, you belong to the Lord, you are not of the world, therefore leave the things of the world and follow the things from on high, the things of God.
I bless you all with the love of Montichiari, Medjugorje and Jacarei.
Forward, My soldiers, this year the struggle will be harder! Prepare yourselves for the battle, pray more Tears every day".